Key Attributes Of A Good Research Paper: A Quick Guide For Beginners

You might be shocked to hear this, but each piece of research is essential for a good paper! You have to know about your subject. You can't just wing it or leave it all to chance. Believe me, your teachers will know if you haven't properly researched your subject.

  • The first thing you will need is information. You just can't write any kind of paper without one. Depending on the paper you're writing, this could take days or even weeks. You should create a plan to complete your paper, starting from the first paragraph and ending with the last. Having a complete outline will make completing your paper so much simpler.
  • You have to write with a clear, confident voice. Being vague isn't going to cut it. If your teacher or audience is left to wonder then, it will just leave them confused. The research and the paper itself can be considered useless without clarity.
  • It has to be accurate. False information or wild guesses will make your paper invalid. It won't be difficult; research will do all of that for you.
  • Depending on the type of paper you're writing, you might need to state your sources so that your teacher can verify the information that you've given. You will want to keep track of your sources from the very start of your project.
  • Your work has to be one-hundred percent original. Your teacher will know if it isn't. This includes copying work from a friend.
  • Your writing has to be as clear as your investigations. If you don't write coherently then things can get lost in translation, and you could get marked down simply because your teacher didn't understand what you were trying to say.
  • Your introductory paragraph has to grasp the reader's attention. This will affect your grade and even how the reader judges the rest of your paper. You want to make it interesting from the start and keep it that way throughout.
  • If your subject allows it, you should always insert your personal views on the subject at hand. This will interest the reader and prove that you know and understand what you're writing about.
  • You must proofread your work! Your teacher can also mark spelling and grammar mistakes. Make sure you do a spell check before turning it in. If you're not sure about certain grammar rules, you can ask for help from a friend or relative.
  • Last but not least, don't forget your conclusion!

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